Tuesday 7 December 2010


I so love youtube! But then, I suppose I am attributing the good to the mode rather than to the hands of the users/producers. Just like we blame guns or porn rather than the people behind them but heyho that is another matter. Yesterday I could have been off massacring my local populace but instead I had a most productive time watching youtubes on threading and eyebrow definition. Who'd have thought it wasn't rocket science to pick up threading but indeed it does take skill and experience to learn to get it brilliant. Nevertheless, together with my existing beauty skills and increasing confidence (did I really cut my eyebrow hairs that much and they really look good still?!) I have a pretty good rendition of what is fast becoming known as HD brows. They are darker, more shapely and cleanly defined. I know that I have more work to do on them but I am pretty impressed. And the threading really helped with cleaning up around the brows in a way that waxing doesn't always manage. Who'd have thought all you needed was a little bit of thread from a sewing reel to do all that magic.

I know someone at college who has the most naturally amazing eyelashes and eyebrows which apparently have been assisted by a product in the region of over £40 to help them grow. Youtube advice from a number of sources suggest the nightly use of castor oil on said hairs. £1.40 from the chemist and I have begun to road test that tip.

It was a good job I decided to go out earlier in the car to do some college work with a friend only to discover the car battery is as flat as a pancake. The charger is on and fingers crossed we have a working car tomorrow morning. So instead of going out I am on Youtube picking and choosing my way through some more excellent make up videos. Some of it is rubbish but some is excellent. Thank you wonderful people who produce them.

1 comment:

Anji said...

I recently got my non existant eyebrows back thanks to the Makeup University lady. You might have seen some of her videos in your searches. this was my post about them:

You wouldn't believe how much better I feel because of a simple tip.