The rule of the roundabout is to give way to the right. Simple as that. Without any need for traffic lights it is a self-regulating way of having a junction.
The US don't seem to have much in the way of roundabouts - but I think they call them something else. I remember my first roundabout in France. Many years ago it was and I was driving on a provisional license which it seems you could do then. The only trouble is that in France, not only do you drive on the "wrong" side of the road, but also you have to go the "wrong" way round the roundabout. Fresh off the England to France ferry is always scary but to suddenly have to cope with a roundabout took the biscuit. Luckily it was barely a hump in the road roundabout because, so flummoxed by it, I drove straight over it.

I think the prize goes to the "magic roundabouts". These are large roundabouts with mini roundabouts at each entrance/exit. The first time I came across one I had been warned by Mr Doris that I'd be going the wrong way round until such and such turning. I wasn't quite so confident a driver in those days and that was terrifying. Maybe successfully navigating that one gave me the confidence one can only get from major achievements such as circumnavigating the world or climbing Everest.
Original Comments:
B - Traffic circle sounds more of a mouthful than roundabout. Nothing like saying it as it is!
That's a colourful blog you have there.... congrats on becoming a soon-to-be-Grandad :-)
Cue red faced father and daughter...
Any wonder the idea of learning to drive gets scarier the older I get? I hate roundabouts even as a passenger.
I swear I've seen the occasion where I could just drive around and round in circles by the time people figure it out. Hey - that sounds like fun actually. Perhaps I'll give it a shot. Someone will follow my lead and it will be a great big old merry-go-round for cars. Weeeeeeeeeee......
Bonnie - LOL - especially when you sit watching the animated gif that Milt Bogs linked to!
Jane - they really are OK. Just take some getting used to.
Cheryl - always the way... the locals can do summat but don't you go trying to do it 'cos you won't get away with it.
Karen - I am so glad I am not the only one. I don't mind learners and hesitant drivers but when everyone at the roundabouts are hesitant you know this is not right, or that it is scary to think who are actually driving on our roads and if they are really competant enough.
Cheryl and Karen - I too agree with the indicators. And it also bugs me that car drivers think they have right of way at all time, especially when turning onto side roads and poor pedestrians have to flee for their lives. I was crossing a side road with son the other day, and this woman in a car with a young child had the audacity to bleep us because we weren't getting across fast enough. You'd have thought she should know better.
Pookie - I have done several rounds on a roundabout and it is quite funny. Not in a reckless kind of way you know.... I was taking teenage daughter and friend to a party and she decided she didn't want to be there on time but a little late. So to demonstrate the absurdity of asking me to drive on a bit so that she could be fashionably late I stayed on the roundabout. She was soon embarrassed and asked to go straight to the party after all.
It's called the city of roundabouts! There are only about 30 sets of traffic lights in the entire city!
So the only major clogs we get are when Eminem or Oasis come to town.