Friday, 30 December 2005
Doing it behind the radiator
With the germs it meant we have had little actual contact with anyone else which makes it a very different Christmas which I reckon added to it being special.
Come the Bank Holiday sales I'm there at the DIY store buying wallpaper and paint to finish off the upstairs hallway - which I've done despite feeling entirely under par. Oh why on earth did I leave it for so long. We have a Victorian house and I swear it grows with loving vibes each time we do some improvements. This time I used a "proper" 1800s thick embossed pattern paper which took up the multitude of sins on the plaster underneath and have now given it and the ceiling a lick of paint. I almost want to take a table and chair upstairs and have tea in the hall!
As for the radiator I must be so peculiar. It seems I am happy to start off the first length of paper going round an electric switch and cutting out round a door frame. I love challenges and it makes the job more interesting. For example, much more fun to get the wallpaper perfect behind the radiator - without taking the radiator off. Maybe it is an anal aspect to me, but I love to get it as neat behind the radiator as anywhere else that is visible. Light switches and plugs and odd corners are my forte it seems. I wouldn't want to make a career out of it, nor do it too often, but it is extremely satisfying and rewarding when I do.
It all looks so lovely and clean and wonderful now. Just a few minor details to sort out, a couple of the door frames to give the final coat of paint, hang a mirror and some pics and it is done. All those knocks, and holes and dents and gaps have all been filled nicely and the textured paper brings it all together.
It sure has been a lovely and productive holiday. If only I can now shake off this yucky cough and throat. The gravelly voice is quite sexy though and I'd like to keep that!
Original Comments:
Thursday, 22 December 2005
Tis the season...

Original Comments:
- Writer Mom said...
Feeling your love all the way across the Atlantic (over the Appalachian Mountains, and through several corn fields). Yep. It just reached me, and I feel good.
Happy New Year back at ya!Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:15:00 AM
- jane said...
Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year's to you & your family.
Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:53:00 AM
- Annie said...
Happy Christmas to you and yours too! New blog is up and running at
Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:47:00 AM
- doris said...
Writer Mom Yaaaay! What a journey :-)
Jane You know you are special - thank you! I have been so busy but I will come and comment more on your blog when things calm down.
Cat :-) You just can't keep a good woman down! Nice to see you back bloggin' :-)Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:48:00 AM
- ella m. said...
Let your Christmas be the exact opposite of mine ( yours will hopefully be a merry one):D
Thursday, December 22, 2005 2:39:00 PM
- /T/ said...
Merry Christmas to you too and your family! I love the design of the letters.. so festive!Thursday, December 22, 2005 8:33:00 PM
- mrshellonheels said...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To You and Yours!!!!!
I hope Santa is very very good to you this year : )Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:10:00 PM
- birdychirp said...
Right back at you! Hope you all have a lovely time.
Thursday, December 22, 2005 9:39:00 PM
- Jo said...
You too hon :-)
Thursday, December 22, 2005 10:59:00 PM
- Cheryl said...
Back at you!
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFriday, December 23, 2005 9:00:00 AM
- Anji said...
Merry Christmas to you and your family too!
Friday, December 23, 2005 10:28:00 AM
- dog1net said...
And a Happy Christmas to you.
Friday, December 23, 2005 9:01:00 PM
- Wulfweard The White said...
Back to you with baubles on....
Friday, December 23, 2005 10:40:00 PM
- Karen said...
Merry Christmas Doris....Hope you and yours have a wonderful holidays
Saturday, December 24, 2005 10:26:00 AM
- Annie said...
Happy Christmas to you and yours! Have a great time. *Hugs*
Saturday, December 24, 2005 12:45:00 PM
- Pookie65 said...
Back at ya, Hon. May love, health, joy, & blessings find you and your family during this special time of year and always.
PookieSaturday, December 24, 2005 1:48:00 PM
- Ghone said...
Merry Xmas and a happy new year to you and yours!
Sunday, December 25, 2005 10:25:00 AM
- decrepitoldfool said...
Same to you! Looking forward to reading another year of your posts. Well, except the ones I'll just leave to MrsDoF...
Monday, December 26, 2005 3:15:00 AM
- Sarah said...
Happy Christmas to you too, Doris!
Monday, December 26, 2005 12:02:00 PM
- jane said...
Hi Doris,
Just stopped by to visit you. You haven't posted in quite some time though & I'm hoping all is okay with you & your family.Thursday, December 29, 2005 3:05:00 AM
- doris said...
Thanks Jane! We're fine - just a bout of bad colds and stuff at the mo. Back soon :-)
Friday, December 30, 2005 7:44:00 AM
Wednesday, 21 December 2005
Big Business
Both clients and colleagues thank me for my work over the year and one asks if I can continue in the next year, please. Days like this I feel quite smug about my self-employed existence. Being able to work for who I want, being treated with respect and thanks. Yup, smug is how it feels.
The other client was the managing director of a small to medium sized company but in their world being a multi-million pound company is not enough so they have sold themselves to a larger company and are to be absorbed. At this stage my services are no longer needed by them, but who knows. (I really don't mind as I had the contract for much longer than originally expected.)
I was going to criticise the bigger businesses for eating up the smaller businesses such as my client's but since meeting today and getting a bit more of the inside info my views have changed. But not that much. It seems that even my client had absorbed smaller businesses and now they too have had to put their heads on the block. Sure there is money to be made from the deal and it seems a viable way forward but in my mind, there is something liberating about not being tied to a conglomerate/company/employer. There is something scary about the constant driving forward of business because it doesn't have to be like that. Business doesn't have to be cut throat, not if it stays small. Sure, there are businesses like my client's that become untenable unless they are part of something bigger, but it sad that it comes to that.
Original Comments:
- Writer Mom said...
- Here here.
I mean.
Well, I am self-employed, but I don't get paid. I do enjoy making my own hours, and I know every second I put into the day is for the benefit of the happiness of my family.
What's your business? You're so fabulous. I need whatever you do, I'm sure of it.
Sorry...don't know how you Brits feel about Bridget Jones, but I had a real BJ moment when you were talking about your day in London. Could see you as Renee Zellweger (I am not spell checking that!) walking across that bridge...the soundtrack kicked in. You're not smug. You're fantastic.
Thursday, December 22, 2005 3:14:00 AM - Astryngia said...
- The thing about businesses is that they have to keep reinventing themselves one way or another to stay alive. To remain independent and working for self, the founder/entrepreneur has to decide from the beginning what their 'exit strategy' will be so they can sell the business and continuing creating ideas, wealth, employment...etc. Sounds as tho' that's the step your client missed out - but perhaps they're happy no longer having the worry of staying afloat financially and keeping a roof over their head! They've become employees again!!!
Love writer mom's comment. :-)
Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:58:00 PM - dog1net said...
- Doris,
I've often wondered about this. It seems that there is an element of greed involved, and so the objective of any business these days is not to make a decent profit, but to make an enormous killing. If that means swallowing up smaller companies in order to compete with even bigger companies, then so be it. Loved your description of walking about in London. Merry Christmas,
Friday, December 23, 2005 9:08:00 PM
Sunday, 18 December 2005
Chronicles of Narnia

We've just been to see Narnia and I notice that most of the audience were adults. Three small children and their dad were sat in front of us but there was an altercation, he snapped at the kids then trundled them out during the movie very cross. The film is just too long to get started and I reckon it truly deserves its PG rating.
They did well to find old-fashioned looking kids but I take exception that the eldest (the goodie) had golden hair (and Prince William looks) whilst Edmund (the traitor) had the darkest hair of the 'siblings'. All the baddies were stereotypically ugly and dark.
I also found the intial adult and child relationships: youngest Lucy going off for tea with Mr. Tumnus, the Faun; and Edmund meeting the White Witch; just a tad icky. Something about these scenes made me feel uncomfortable. These are the aspects of the film I didn't like.
A long time at the beginning covers the kids in wartime London and being evacuated. This was poignantly portrayed and makes me think about how I was nervous just to leave my son at the swimming pool on his own today and yet many parents sent their kids off on train journeys to unknown destinations. How scary must that have been.
The special effects were superb. Aslan looked like a real lion and I'm sure I couldn't work out the joins. Various characters were wonderful and spiced with humour.
I rated the film a harsh 6 out of 10. Son's friend gave it something like 24 out of 10 whilst son gave it 10 out of 10. He loved especially the scary bits. The violence and scary bits should not be underestimated. And don't rush out when the credits start because the film isn't quite over at that point!
Original Comments:
-->Show Original Post -->Collapse comments- Jo said...
- Interesting Doris - my kids have just been to see it with their mum and they loved it too. I couldn't go but I would have liked to, I adored the books when I was little. But I was (and am) a bit wary about what they might have done to a precious memory?
Sunday, December 18, 2005 11:12:00 PM - Wulfweard The White said...
- I hate films of the books as they never live up to expectations especially that of a childs memory
Monday, December 19, 2005 6:40:00 AM - Badaunt said...
- The evacuation of children during the war was an AMAZING phenomenon - have you ever read up about it? Huge numbers of children displaced and sent off to strange families...
I'm afraid to see the movie, too. I don't even want to read the books again, for pretty much the same reason that Wulfweard the White says.
Monday, December 19, 2005 9:53:00 PM - J's Girlfriend said...
- *Blink blink* I am not reading that post because I just bought tickets to see it myself... Wouldn't want any spoilers! I am thinking it's so long since I've read the books that I won't remember exactly how stuff goes. Can't waiiiiit!!! Will def. be back to see what you thought in the aftermath!
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 6:03:00 PM - Reia said...
- i'm looking forward to watching it! i never read the book but the play/stage version of 'the lion, the witch and the wardrobe' has been so popular here that they staged it on 2 consecutive christmas seasons. :-)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 2:11:00 PM - Writer Mom said...
- Too scary for 2 and 5?
I need to get out of the house.
Edmund...not good in Shakespeare, either. Hm.
*Just saw a special on children being sent off during WWII. Socked me in the gut and made me realize we have it really really good.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 8:08:00 PM - doris said...
- Writer Mom Please ask others who have seen it, I really don't think it is a suitable film for such young ones. It is very long and quite startling with the scary bits.
Great film for adults who have read the book though! :-)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005 10:38:00 PM - Anonymous said...
- Still haven't watched this film. Got it planned for this week though. Hopefully. Must say, your review has put me off a little though.
Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:56:00 PM
Apron Strings

As a kid I was doing all sorts at that age and younger but times have changed. Up to now I have always made sure son didn't even go into the changing rooms on his own and here I was to leave him for such a period of time at a potentially high-risk activity and environment. It was as scary as leaving him for his first day at nursery.
Of course I tried to look cool, as did son who I'm sure couldn't believe his luck at being let off the noose. Sadly though, I made him tell me our phone number in case they needed to call me on a public phone. And off I went.
Now I'm clock watching and told them I might come back and check up on them. Only two hours to go.
NB: I don't know who the woman in the apron is, in the piccy above, but she comes from our royalty free supply of interesting pics. And she makes me smile!
Original Comments:
- Minerva said...
True love is letting go....
I have daughters of 10 and 12 and I would find doing this so hard...
Well done...
How long to go now?Sunday, December 18, 2005 4:29:00 PM
- Cheryl said...
ROFL so glad for the disclaimer about who the lady might be - I'd have had some serious fun if you'd left people wondering if that was you, 'Gran'.
Hahahaha!Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:34:00 PM
- doris said...
Minerva " True love is letting go" this is so and in the past I had Mr Doris to hold my hand and give me courage. This time I had to do it all by myself.
All went well. Son now knows how to do a reverse charge call which under the circumstances I'm not best pleased. He called simply to ask me to come pick them up half and hour earlier... £1.49 it cost for such a call. It is hard to, on the one hand, encourage them to incur costs if needed, but on the other, know when it is appropriate.
I suppose I am relieved that all went well and that he had sufficient ability to know what to do.
Me LOL Yes, I could have left people wondering (and you teasing!) but as I reckon it clearly isn't me, and I think it wrong when people put up clearly recognisable photographs of strangers that I felt I had to put the disclaimer.Sunday, December 18, 2005 10:18:00 PM
- Rain said...
I've been in that situation. It's so hard. Mine is 13 and I'm getting a bit used to it. You spend so many years keeping close watch on them and then... it's time to ease up. I like how you describe that he was unable to believe his luck, my daughter is the same.
Monday, December 19, 2005 1:39:00 AM
- MrsDoF said...
You done good, Missy Doris.
Reverse the charges is fine because at least he called YOU. The time he calls someone else first just might break your motherly heart.Monday, December 19, 2005 2:17:00 AM
- mrshellonheels said...
I can't wait to read your post when the day comes to hand him the car keys. YIKES
Tuesday, December 20, 2005 2:58:00 AM
Saturday, 17 December 2005
Monologue in E Minor
It is much easier to point out 'errors' on someone else's blog than sort out the discrepancies in one's own. In a way, I am sorry I pointed out that she referred to Christmas dinner being next Friday because she then posted Mad Cow Disease - For Doris which pushed the other post undeservedly down the page. Cheryl says "Forgetting what day is Christmas is bloody peanuts, really." LOL I know what you mean, and agree, but don't think so! There are people who have their Christmas menus planned by November so that produce can be ordered in good time. (If you don't order in time you'd be Gobbled Smacked and then have a Turkey Crisis) The magazines, newspapers and TV magazines all produce calenders with step by step details to a hassle free Christmas. Imagine you are running to one of these calenders but then find your D-day is out by two days?
Yesterday was one of those days filled from beginning to end that I was exhausted. Mr Doris popped off to the kitchen to forage for us some dinner when the doorbell went. It was twenty to 7 and I knew son was due to go to Brigades for twenty past 7. Another of the mum's had popped round and as I cleared a space for her to get to the chaise and sit down I thought she was round for a chat a la Peanuts: "the doctor is in". She politely sat and then asked about the kids having to be at church at 7pm. No, I said.... I haven't heard that. But she had - from my son. It took all of five minutes to get out of him a straight answer that it was 7pm and not much more. I stood there gobsmacked but probably looked more like my eyes were bulging in shock and in my slightly crazed "I can not cope" demented manner. Mr Doris was already making dinner on a tight schedule plus son was standing around not ready. I arranged to take both boys as the other mum and I usually share the trip. At the door she drops the bombshell as to whether we are supposed to go too.
Being slow on the uptake I hadn't realised it was Christmas. That this would be the big Christmas play. That this was serious stuff and as parents of course we should be there. Time is clicking on, son is not ready, we've not eaten, I'd have to go and stay for the show/session, and I just wanted a quiet night. In amongst this, son had a particulalry painful splinter I was to remove. We did it and were only two minutes late.
Mercifully, the Christmas show was more like a service and clearly was something also whipped up the week before. Kids sang from song sheets and you could see they weren't rehearsed. It cheered me up no end to realise that I wasn't the only one trying to cobble things together.
We sang some Carols and it was actually quite nice. Silent Night was a bit difficult as I was sure I had the same words as everyone else but they didn't sound like it. Added to that, the organist seemed a bit creative with his choice of sound effects on the organ. The organist looked like a cross between neanderthal man and Frankenstein. It is not that he was ugly, just that he didn't have the refined brow and looks I expect from a musician. I greatly admire anyone who plays music but if I had seen him in the street I'd not have imagined the music within him. Note to self to not make such judgements about people.
On Wednesday my mother had arranged to pass by our place yesterday to be helpful with the exchange of presents. They could carry ours to various members of the family and also deliver others to us. It is a convenient state of affairs except that I wasn't actually organised. Christmas hasn't happened here and I'd much rather wait until I felt in the right spirit before "doing it". Christmas Eve is usually good for me but doesn't leave any time to despatch anything. And I had actually been enjoying my Scroogish "Bah Humbug" ways and was looking forward to a BuyNothing Christmas but am afraid that I relented.
Thursday evening young son had a disco to go to many miles away so I figured that I would take the opportunity whilst waiting for him to have his fun to actually go to the nearby large supermarket and "shop". Two hours and a lot of saved-up coupons later and the shopping for family was done and I was quite pleased. All mainly special consumables so that they could be enjoyed and not have their houses cluttered with junk. Dearest Mr Doris has been doing his Santa thing so had already ordered the kids presents off the internet otherwise they might not be quite so lucky.
Yesterday I wrapped the presents and then what surprise, I actually parcelled up other presents and cards and wrote letters and then got them to the post office and posted. In my mind, it doesn't matter that I have missed all the international posting deadlines, I at least got them posted which is a great improvement on many previous years.
Two trips to the post office in one day plus the emotional exhaustion of writing letters and the relief of actually doing them, and then a relatively smooth visit from my parents, then the unexpected Christmas show including cordial participation and by the end I was whacked. No wonder I sleep so much.
Original Comments:
- MattyD said...
WOW Doris! :P
You certainly have been busy recently! I've just got my blog up and running again, so it's great going around and seeing what you've all been doing.
Sounds like things are really happy in your household at the moment (if not a little crazy).
Hope everything else is great, and could you please edit your link for me to - I moved my blog :)
All the best, Matt -x-Sunday, December 18, 2005 1:30:00 AM
- Pookie65 said...
May you enjoy all of the love, blessings & joy of the season as you so richly deserve.
Aww, Doris, I've learned so much from your throughout my short time blogging. (In some case more than I ever intended to learn) Most importantly I've learned that you're a fantastic mom, wife and friend to all those lucky enough to know you.
Merriest of Christmas to you and yours!Sunday, December 18, 2005 5:16:00 AM
- doris said...
MattyD Nice to visit your new home and that you are planning on sticking around. Will change the links later :-)
Pookie65 Awww, I feel so loved up! Thank you :-) I shall be coming to spread some of that lovely seasonal cheer round your blog sometime soon :-)Sunday, December 18, 2005 12:49:00 PM
- Cheryl said...
Cheer up!
Kids school broke up on Friday. Son got a temperature yesterday and has spent all day today lolling on the sofa.
No car, no shopping done yet (not even presents) and husband doesn't quit work until 4pm Friday.
I love it.Sunday, December 18, 2005 7:39:00 PM
Thursday, 15 December 2005
Fantasies and 10 things
Hmmm. First Mad Baggage tags me with The Spreading Infection? and then A Host of Spirits tags me with Wishes and Fantasies. I'm not up to fully completing either and so will do a diet version!
The Spreading Infection?: Ten things you didn't know about me, except that I wear my heart on my sleeve in an anonymous way and I'm not sure that I have anything interestingly new. But.... one thing about me, I have always wondered what it is that Meatloaf "won't do for love" with all sorts of dirrrty stuff crossing my mind. Ever in the need for enlightenment I just did a websearch and came across this page in which the following conversation ensues:
Gentreau (Dec 15, 2003, 07:16)And then the next message summarises nicely for me:
Girl : Will you raise me up? Will you help me down? Will you get me right out of this Godforsaken town? Will you make it all a little less cold?
Boy : I can do that! I can do that!
Girl : Will you hold me sacred? Will you hold me tight? Can you colourise my life, I'm so sick of black & white? Can you make it all a little less old?
Boy : I can do that! I can do that!
Girl : Will you make me some magic, with your own two hands? Can you build an Emerald city with these grains of sand? Can you give me something I can take home?
Boy : I can do that! I can do that!
Girl : Will you cater to every fantasy I got? Will you hose me down with Holy water - if I get too hot? Will you take me places I've never known?
Boy : I can do that! I can do that!
Girl : After a while you'll forget everything. It was a brief interlude a midsummer nights fling. And you'll see that it's time to move on.
Boy : I won't do that! No I won't do that!
Girl : I know the territory - I've been around. It'll all turn to dust and we'll all fall down. And sooner or later you'll be screwing around.
Boy : I won't do that! No I won't do that!
Oh I would do anything for love, but I won't do THAT.
UnoChild (Dec 15, 2003, 08:49)The discourse continues on and is quite funny. So there is something you have travelled with me on my path to enlightenment and no longer is something I wonder about.
So really, the "I wont do that..." is unrelated to the "i would do anything for love".
Basically, I'll do anything for love, but i won't be a shit and leave you.
Furthermore, being a shit and leaving is nothing to do with doing anything for love.
I think.....
Wishes and Fantasies: Things I would love to do just for me and things I would love to do for the world. I'm out of wishes for myself as I feel I am already living the dream. I certainly need new dreams as I feel like I am in a wonderful harbour, doing good stuff but just going round and round. At some point I need to get the whole dreams and fantasy bank operational again in order to move forward and explore other places. As for the world, well, I wish for the world what I have wished and found for myself: for each and everyone to love and be loved. With the power of love behind us we will not need to fight stupid battles, there will be more hapiness and harmony and intelligence as we are not having to struggle unsupported and can work on better things than just surviving.
Over to you - if you feel inspired then share your "Wishes and Fantasies" or "10 Things We Didn't Know About You". Let me know and I'd be pleased to give you the 10th degree about them! :-)
Original Comments:
- Orikinla Osinachi. said...
1. I have no life of my own.
2. My parents are dead.
3. I have never fallen in love.
4. I cannot count the corpses I have seen so far.
5. I was a refugee child.
7. I exhibited my manhood to raise money to pay my youngest brother's school fees for college.
8. I break down and fall ill whenever I see others suffering.
9. I have not had sex since January 1st, 1999.
10. My earnings go to charities.Wednesday, December 14, 2005 3:29:00 PM
- doris said...
Orikinla Osinachi Hello and thank you for sharing those ten things. I have seen your blog around on the BE and your messages on other posts and have gathered little snippets about you such as you were a refugess and have indeed seen some terrors in your life. It puts many things into perspective and I thank you for sharing.
My wish for you is that you may fall in love. With the most perfect person in the world who is perfect for you. May it be a love that is the wind beneath your wings and lifts you high and above all the terrors you have known. You are deeply religious and I hope your faith helps you - but there is nothing like the love and companionship of another.
It is sad that you have listed #1. Surely it is your duty, having survived all that you have, that you claim your own life and live it to the full?
It was a brave thing that you did to do #7 in order to help another. It is sad that you end up in that situation and I hope that there are many things that are now behind you.
(((Peace)))Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:41:00 PM
- Cheryl said...
Meatloaf - depends whether he uses 'love' as a verb or a noun?Wednesday, December 14, 2005 5:43:00 PM
- Rain said...
I've got to think about my 10 list. After read orikinla orinachi's mine seen less interesting.
Thursday, December 15, 2005 12:06:00 AM
- J's Girlfriend said...
That's funny; I always used to wonder about the same thing. When that song came out I was a bit past the stage where I knew English lyrics phonetically, but my understanding of linguistic subtelties probably left something to be desired. Good to have that cleared up then. I can sleep at night again, finally ;o)
Thursday, December 15, 2005 5:15:00 AM
- ella m. said...
That meatloaf song has always driven me utterly batshit for the same reason. I'd long since given up trying to figure it out.
Thursday, December 15, 2005 3:53:00 PM
- Plumkrazzee said...
LOVE MEATLOAF. Here from micheles.
Friday, December 16, 2005 2:24:00 PM
Monday, 12 December 2005
Plaiting son's hair

This last year he has taken pride in having a large afro. He still didn't maintain it but each time I had combed it out (about quarterly!) a few days would follow when he would preen himself, and then it gets too tough. Son has the self-esteem of a giant and I can only admire his aplomb and confidence about himself. He is gentle and sensitive but yet seems to 'know' that he is cool and gorgeous. Many people compliment him on his eyes and he has a million watt smile. He knows he can wrap adults around his finger.
He is also a complete pain in the backside. He can take five minutes saying "yes" or "no" because he has to give you first the whys and wherefores and still not give a straight answer. He manipulates language like a first class lawyer and can be really frustrating.
Anyway, he finally let me plait his hair despite his previous protestations and is now loving it. He says that he can pull his hair (plaits) behind his ear and has always wanted to do that. This morning he had wobbly neck syndrome as he shook his head and plaits round stating "Because you are worth it" a la Loreal style! Cheeky so and so.
Original Comments:
- Carol said...
Nice compromise! Looking good, son of Doris :-)
Monday, December 12, 2005 10:05:00 PM
- Minerva said...
Hey cool kid...
Next he will want it all cut off with tramlines...*grin*
MinervaMonday, December 12, 2005 10:27:00 PM
- Jo said...
Is this his hair Doris? It looks so good. I'd definitely like hair like that!
Monday, December 12, 2005 10:45:00 PM
- dog1net said...
What a 'do. What incredible patience on your part, no pun intended. I wish I had hair like that.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:15:00 AM
- Rain said...
wow, he has nice shiny hair!
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:21:00 AM
- Milt Bogs said...
Doris - The pain will kick in by the morning.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:55:00 AM
- ME Strauss said...
That was so excellent to read about. Thanks for sharing it.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 4:03:00 AM
- doris said...
Carol I was quite pleased with it and that at last he is converted to having plaits.
Minerva He definitely doesn't want it cut off and is purposefully bucking the trend for a close cut. I reckon that almost singlehandedly he will bring huge afros back in to fashion!
Jo Definitely a pic of my son and his hair :-) My husband's family with it's Jewish ancestry has this bubbly curls in it but they are blonde! Sadly my dear Mr Doris didn't get them and I would love to have had interesting hair rather than dead straight. (Dearest Mr Doris is not son's biological father!)
Dog1Net LOL It certainly was a to-do :-)
Rain I didn't think it would ever be shiny again with all the mattedness to deal with. Also, there is a flash light in play and this makes it look shinier than it is - but it is pretty good.
Milt It is not tight enough to cause any pain. So far, so good :-)
Me Strauss Funny the things we decide to share on our blogs. :-)Tuesday, December 13, 2005 10:38:00 AM
- Host of Spirits said...
Hi Doris,
I've tagged you for a meme on wishes and fantasies. Come on over to my place to take a lookTuesday, December 13, 2005 12:25:00 PM
- Z said...
Absolutely gorgeous!!!
Lucky boy. No wonder he thinks he's gorgeous.Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:21:00 PM
- Karen said...
I think your son's hair looks great - after all he's worth it.....
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 5:52:00 PM
- Ally said...
Yes, lovely. I wouldn't kill for hair like that, but I might seriously wound :).
Although you may want to pass on the tale told by a friend of mine who decided it was time to cut it all off for good when he woke up at the age of thirty or so and found a couple of plaits lying beside him on his pillow like 'little dead mice' :).Wednesday, December 14, 2005 11:16:00 AM
- jane said...
Looks very nice. Good job mom!
Thursday, December 15, 2005 8:23:00 PM
- Writer Mom said...
Can your son send me some of his confidence for Christmas? Not too much...just enough to fill out the toes in my stocking.
Thanks!Saturday, December 17, 2005 1:49:00 AM
Sunday, 11 December 2005
I keep meaning
Original Comments:
- Cheryl said...
Dry chuckle.
Its a disease - I think we've all got it.Sunday, December 11, 2005 7:38:00 PM
- Milt Bogs said...
Still looks like a tuba mouthpiece to me gran.
Sunday, December 11, 2005 7:48:00 PM
- Gary said...
Don't keep going on about it! LOL
Sunday, December 11, 2005 8:44:00 PM
- 4-Poster said...
what are you trying to write about.
Sunday, December 11, 2005 9:49:00 PM
- Hannah said...
Why put off till tomorrow what can be done the day after?
Monday, December 12, 2005 12:10:00 AM
- Cheryl said...
I see you procrastinated about the design of this - wasn't it shorter, the other day?
Monday, December 12, 2005 2:29:00 PM
- Cheryl said...
One Doppler effect post done, as (jokingly?) requested..........
Monday, December 12, 2005 4:58:00 PM
- Jo said...
Doris...the colours took you ages! Doesn't look like procrastination to me, looks like technicolourification!
Monday, December 12, 2005 5:26:00 PM
- Anonymous said...
thank you so much for this review! i've been curious, but didn't know what the experience would be like - you've taken the guesswork out of it.
:)Monday, December 12, 2005 8:57:00 PM
- Anonymous said...
phooey. i meant that comment to be on the post about the mooncup.
:\Monday, December 12, 2005 8:58:00 PM
- doris said...
Anon I'm glad you found it of use. I reckon it is different for everyone but you know what I've experienced and think!
As for the procrastination - I really have meant to elaborate and yesterday I was feeling a little flippant! I found a way of doing the colours in blogger which was much quicker than the way I have done them before. And yes, I admit to changing one word and making it bigger after I posted it. See, I can do what I like without getting agreement from a committee.
"technicolourification" - what a great word!Monday, December 12, 2005 9:05:00 PM
- Rain said...
me too. it's pretty.
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 12:20:00 AM
- Writer Mom said...
I think I caught my procrastination from you.
I think it's caused by too many things to do all at once, so doing none of them is the only fair solution.Saturday, December 17, 2005 1:48:00 AM
- Neutron said...
To (mis)quote the title of a long ago post of mine:
"I don't know what procrastination is but I may look it up tomorrow!"Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:30:00 PM
Sunday, 4 December 2005
Mooncup Review

All the reviews I have read about these items usually preface their article with a warning about icky contents or perhaps to warn blokes they might be reading something about "womens stuff". Well, tosh. If you are reading this you are reading it! I love to get the low-down on all sorts and don't see why this shouldn't be any different.
A Mooncup and the like (Diva Cup, Keeper) are billed to be an eco-friendly alternative to sanitary towels and tampons. Saves the environment and saves money. The Mooncup makers reckons the £17.99 cost amounts to six months worth of sanitary supplies and last 10 years. They talk about how it keeps tampons out of the oceans (after they have been flushed down the toilet).
However, I am not sure if I read anywhere about how fabulous I would feel as a woman using the Mooncup and it is only my first cycle of using it. I have never known a menstrual cycle where I have felt so physically clean and fresh, and yet when I first anticipated using the Mooncup I focused on the actual mechanics of inserting and using the thing instead of the rest of the time when, apart from the usual cramp, there is no sign of having a period. It is almost a case of naturism here I come because I could walk round naked and no-one would ever know!
Down to the basics. I read quite a few online reviews before even trying out my Mooncup. Notably, this review with its numerous comments and questions. Having read that, I then put it all aside and waited until I was ready to try it out.
I am extremely fortunate in working at home and having a particularly nice bathroom with a bidet. I'll say now that once I had gotten past this stage and on the second day of my period I purposefully didn't use the bidet nor any of the facilities to mimic a public lavatory situation, but more on that later!
The reviews I read mainly seemed to suggest it best to wait until you are into your period before trying this out. The leaflet suggests trying it out before your period and possibly use something like KY jelly for lubrication. I reckon you have to go with your gut feeling. Personally, I didn't fancy the idea of messing around with something brand new when I would not be in the best of form during a period, but as it happened, although I had the Mooncup for several days a moment came on Friday lunchtime when I had just finished a piece of work and I reckoned this was the right time to try it out for the first time.
I told Mr Doris and he wished me well and I headed off to the bathroom like an adventurer with Mooncup, leaflet, scissors and KY jelly. I put the radio on in the background and locked the bathroom door. I don't normally lock the door but I wanted to feel completely at ease and take it easy. The instructions say that one should boil the Mooncup for ten minutes before using it. Since I can't remember the last time I boiled a penis for ten minutes before inserting it I reckoned a good wash with soap and water would do.
The thing about me is that I can be quite a fragile flower at times and extremely dry. I made myself comfortable on the bidet and with my washed hands and washed Mooncup I thought I would try with just the Mooncup wet. This is how the makers recommend it should normally be inserted - wet. They say to aim the Mooncup towards your lower back so just to be sure I had my angles right I inserted a wet finger to make sure I was going the right way for the position I was in. The Mooncup is simply folded in on itself twice so it is a tight wad. With a surprising minimal amount of manouvering I had managed to shove this thing inside myself. Without the assistance of any KY or actually being on a period. Once it was inside, it was easy enough to reach up inside and to run a finger around to make sure that the Mooncup had completely opened up.
At this stage I hadn't cut the tail off or trimmed it. I have read so many horror stories about this tail causing such pain as it poked back down so I felt a bit of a freak and an old wellington boot when it didn't really cause me any bother. Maybe because I had the Mooncup inserted high up first time. I cautiously stood up to make sure everything felt OK and it was. I washed my hands and dressed and came downstairs and did a ta-daa for Mr Doris who didn't notice anything different about me!
Nothing on this earth would have possessed me try to remove the Mooncup straight away. It might have gone in easily but I knew it wasn't going to be easy to take out. I've read horror stories of women who have fiddled around with their Mooncup and had it in and out like a yo-yo and then ended up sore. So I waited a couple of hours. In that time, the tail of the Mooncup started to give me twinges and I reckon if I had left it in much longer I might have gotten sore.
Repeating the process of using the bidet, I first washed my hands and got my delicate bits wet. It was then a case of reaching in and grabbing the base of the bowl of the Mooncup. I had read horror stories of women who had used the tail to pull and thus created a suction effect with nothing wanting to move unless it brought out half your guts with it. But by grasping the base of the Mooncup bowl, it slightly folds the cup and breaks the seal and lets in the air. Then it is a case of tweaking the cup from side to side, or backwards and forwards, each time pulling down gently. Meanwhile, you are alternately bearing down and somehow holding tight somewhere deep inside. It is extremely bizarre and hard to explain. The first time you remove it is the worst. It feels like you have just pulled out a solid egg cup from down below. I found my eyes bulging and my breath being taken away but otherwise it wasn't too bad.
I washed the Mooncup with soap and water and put it away. I tried it again two days later and left it in a few hours. But first I cut the tail off. See my pic above - it shows where I cut the tail. It was better without the tail as I could then use the base of the Mooncup more for pushing up. I tried it again the next day too. Each time was much easier to remove it and was not a discomfort. Two days later my period started - this was the day after I had another major tooth extraction under anaesthetic. I was not feeling too fabulous but was like an excited kid to realise I finally got to use my Mooncup for real.
It is incredible, but it was actually clean to use. Even with inserting a finger after the Mooncup had been inserted I think I had less mess than using a tampon applicator. Not that I had that much but it was not unusual for a finger nail to be a bit blood stained. Once I started using the Mooncup then the period blood did not come down below a certain point in my body as it landed in the cup. Removing the cup was easy enough - I thought it might be like a slippery object and could possibly be dropped, or I thought the contents would overflow and tip out the side. Nope. None of that. A couple of times there was a gelatinous string of goo that stretched from the cup to inside me but it was very minor and easy to wipe away.
Reaching up and removing the cup was clean, then it was a case of emptying the matter inside the cup. I have marked with an arrow (the top arrow) the maximum I have had in my cup - that was over a 5 hour time span one evening but I had less overnight which was in for about 7 hours. The lower arrow shows the general amount I had in my cup but it went right down to near nothing towards the end.
Using the bidet was fantastic. I was able to sit comfortably, wash out my cup and give myself a little rinse although I didn't need it. Knowing that there are times when I won't be at home I went for the "mock public loo facilities test". On the second day of my period I used just the toilet and toilet paper. Removing the Mooncup and wiping out with toilet paper was easy enough. Only took a few sheets and was OK. Re-inserting the Mooncup without the assistance of water was a definite no-no for me. I had no lubrication and no period blood low-down to help. I tried but really, life is too short to go through that pain. Although I continued the day with just emptying and inserting whilst sitting on the toilet I did have to reach over and run the Mooncup under the tap to get it wet. The manufacturers suggest you take a bottle of water into the toilet with you. Personally, I don't see how you can manipulate a bottle of water and put it somewhere I'd consider clean in a public loo whilst sorting out your Mooncup. I think I'd rather wait until I could use a toilet with basin en suite.
There are air holes at the top (see pic). Each time you wash your Mooncup (usually at the end of each day - unless you have a bidet!) you make sure the air holes are clear. This is easy - when your cup is full of warm water simply put your palm over the top and gently squeeze the base. Or invert and squeeze. This forces the water out the air holes and hey presto, nice and clean.
I'm now done for this month. I've washed my Mooncup with soap and water but will likely give it a boil to keep it fresh. I think, because I was very calm and took it slowly, that I was able to get on really well with my Mooncup in my very first period. They say it normally takes at least two cycles to get comfortable but I reckon I'd never look back. Like I said at the beginning, I really felt noticeably cleaner during this cycle. Tampons have their bits of string that get mucky and suck the life out of you, and pads just suck the life out of your entire nether regions whilst spinning around and sticking where they ought not to stick and then have the audacity to not do the job they are supposed to do. This is the first period where everything was where it should be and not a single item of underwear was marked. Or beds! I could sleep as I normally do, au naturale, without having to wear precautionary knickers.
And then of course, there are the fascinating contents of the Mooncup! Watching the changing colours and textures. I had no idea. That's not entirely true, I had some idea but to see what it is undiluted by bleached and sanitising chemicals and fibres is an incredible adventure. I'm in my early forties and I'm only just finding out. Only just experiencing that there is a far better alternative to the tampons and pads that not only saves me money and saves the environment but is much cleaner and makes me feel wonderful. If I could afford it I'd buy every woman I know a Mooncup.
Addendum #1: I didn't mention how the Mooncup felt when it was inside. Nothing. Couldn't feel it, it was so comfortable. Again, this could be because I managed to insert it high up. Nearly twenty years ago I used to have a contraceptive cap but gave up using it because I found it such a pain. I could feel the heavy duty ring forcing itself against my insides. The Mooncup is different as it is gentle and soft with no internal wiring.
Addendum #2: Menstrual Cups have been around at least since the 1930s.
Different brands made of different materials:
- Disposable; can be used during sex (!)
Addendum #3: Previous post on mother and daughter mooncups!
Addendum #4: It is now May 2006 and I have not used any other form of sanitary protection since.
Addendum #5: It is now November 2012 and I have used the same Mooncup since December 2005 which is seven years, and nothing else! Initial cost £17.99 / 7 years = £2.57 per year for sanitary protection. As I continue to use it through to peri-menopause and menopause it will have cost even less for sanitary protection. It is something I would definitely recommend to any woman, especially younger women who have many menstruating years ahead. Though it is not just about the cost - the cleanliness one feels can not be matched. I see that in 2012 it now costs £19.99 which is a lot of money for a little bit silicone but if mine is anything to go by it is invaluable.
Any questions post below?
Original Comments:
- Cheryl said...
- Gosh Doris
Precautionary knickers - I can relate! And they are never your nice ones - pointless ruining those - more like good, solid, double-crotched and sensible school knickers of old - a double deterrent!
I guess one bonus of habitually wearing nighties is unless you get cozy, no-one knows whats under them. Me, I only wear nighties in hospital.
Glad it worked.
Question - My kids are slightly allergic to kiwi fruit. Hospital takes that seriously, however, as it can mean a corresponding allergy to some forms of latex. That cup looks like pure latex - is it?
Are there any warnings about possible allergic reactions? It would be a lot of money to pay out to find out the thing gave you an unbearable itch, up there.
(I'd honestly like to know as I am tempted)
Sunday, December 04, 2005 10:55:00 PM - Sarah said...
- This is the most honest and direct review I have read on the subject. I have ordered a Mooncup, and am slightly nervously awaiting it's arrival. Whether I will have the guts to talk about it on my website is another thing, but I am extremely impressed by your review! Thank you so much.
And Cheryl - the cup is made of surgical-grade silicon. Take a look at
Sunday, December 04, 2005 11:24:00 PM - MrsDoF said...
- This is an exact review! Have you had a course in taking Nurse's Notes?
I totally relate to the precautionary knickers, but then I already wrote about that on my own blog.
I'm glad you had a bit of a distraction from the tooth problems.
Hope you are feeling better.
Sunday, December 04, 2005 11:37:00 PM - doris said...
- Such an exhaustive review I had to go off and sleep a while ;-)
Cheryl Sarah has answered about it being made of silicon. Think of those clear Avent teats for feeding bottles - that is what it is like. But best to consult with the manufacturers. Anyway, you're the scientist and if you un-earth anything then let me know.
LOL - glad you identified with the precautionary knicks!
Sarah You are in for a treat! Even if you don't go in for a full blown review do tell me how you get on. In any case, I dare you to keep it to yourself and not tell a single soul about your Mooncup. I've found myself slipping it into conversations as if I have some flash Jaguar sitting out the front of my house and then on reflection I think I must be mad!
MrsDoF Indeed I have had a course in taking Nurse's notes!!!! ;-) Thank you especially to you because you gave me the kick up the backside to get on and get one of these things. Thank you
Monday, December 05, 2005 12:02:00 AM - Rain said...
- Thanks for such the info on Mooncups. I never knew anything about them, I had only vaguely heard of them
Monday, December 05, 2005 1:42:00 AM - Jo said...
- Well Doris. I can really only echo Cheryl's opening remark.
The whole review reads like a night at the theatre :-)
Particularly enjoyed (no...wait...not sure that's the right word, erm...was affected by,) the reference to not boiling a penis for ten minutes (how long should they be boiled for actually - or are they better grilled?) and (ouch!) the 'suction' image.
Gosh. Again.
But glad it worked out for you. Mrs Jo has used a keeper for several years and swears by it.
I do think you should get in touch with the manufacturers and send them this review! They might even offer you a job writing copy (though they may not want to use the boiled willy thing!)
Monday, December 05, 2005 3:37:00 PM - Ally said...
- Another hand up in relating to 'precautionary knickers'! And I also particularly enjoyed the reference to the correct amount of time to boil a penis, too :).
Also interested about Cheryl's comment re kiwi and latex; I am allergic to both and never knew there was a connection.
What a fantastic review - I will definitely get one before next month comes around.
Monday, December 05, 2005 5:52:00 PM - Cheryl said...
- OMG I just misread Ally's first sentence - completely overlooked the word 'relating' and had to do a complete double take.
Monday, December 05, 2005 6:43:00 PM - doris said...
- Rain I am glad to have shared if it has brought these things to the attention of someone new :-)
Jo You can uncross your legs - but I did have fun thinking of what herbs and spices might complement!!! I'm sure Mooncup has plenty of rave reviews out there. It is great to hear about others who also swear by these things - I feel like a bit of a zealot at the moment.
Ally As long as you follow your instincts and take it slowly and carefully I promise you won't be sorry. I am sorry I didn't get one sooner. Let me know if you do!
Cheryl LOL And I don't know why I should be surprised but I am. We should start the PK Cult!
Monday, December 05, 2005 7:29:00 PM - Astryngia said...
- What a wonderful account - you are a gem. But I laughed out loud at this point : "The first time you remove it is the worst..I found my eyes bulging and my breath being taken away but otherwise it wasn't too bad." What a woman!!
Monday, December 05, 2005 7:55:00 PM - doris said...
- Astryngia: "What a woman!!" You better believe it :-D LOL
Monday, December 05, 2005 8:54:00 PM - Minerva said...
- Doris, you never cease to surprise! You could indeed write copy for the manufacturer with this one - I am impressed...
And I haven't even HEARD of am off to do a bit of research..
Monday, December 05, 2005 10:13:00 PM - mrshellonheels said...
- Doris What an excellent review! I should get one for my daughter in laws. Thank you
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 5:57:00 AM - Red Mum said...
- Wow what a post!!!! You managed to be graphic enough to explain everything you need to know (I think without having used one) without being too graphic.They sound very intriging and definitely better than sanitary towels and the like...
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 11:13:00 AM - Helen said...
- Well Doris, I don't need this sort of thing anymore but if I did, I would be more than tempted to try it. Good for you for bringing it to light. I, like many other commenters I've read, have heard nothing of it. Then again, I'm not really in the market and pass that isle!
Tuesday, December 06, 2005 1:43:00 PM - doris said...
- Minerva I hope it doesn't read like one long advertisement for this product but I can see that it probably does. I'm sure there will be repros and anyway there are other makes such as Diva Cup and The Keeper
And oh my goodness - apparently they have been going since the 1930s! There are links from that page to further discussion.
MrsHellonheels if you do get them any, I hope they appreciate what it really it is about. I am going to have to handle it carefully when I give my daughter hers.
Red Mum Worth looking into these things.
Helen Naturally I am curious but I shall have to mind my own business!!! :-)
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 12:14:00 PM - Badaunt said...
- Oh, dear. I've been putting off trying (something new? I'm a coward!) - but you've convinced me I've got to try it.
And I will. Soonish. When semester is over. (I'm imagining the university loos and wondering how I'd cope there...)
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 1:40:00 PM - Anji said...
- Doris I think you should have a Nobel peace prize. I hope lots of women get to read your review. I'd love to try it out but it's too late for me.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 1:49:00 PM - Milt Bogs said...
- It's not unlike a tuba mouthpiece Doris.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 2:50:00 PM - doris said...
- Badaunt I kind of knew about these things for a few years before I finally took the plunge. Wish I had done so sooner. You are right to wait - or else, to try it out on weekends only and maybe mix with the use of whatever on work days until you are comfortable with the college loos. You will become evangelical sooner that that!
Anji LOL about the Nobel Peace Prize :-)
Milt Bogs Trust you to lower the tone! (Geddit? Tuba ..... lower the tone... oh never mind!!!) ;-)
Very interesting actually - could be funny (in an immature and adolescent way) to stick one of these on the end of a tuba but not funny the other way round. Ouch.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 3:22:00 PM - jane said...
- Gosh, this sounds more & more like something I should consider. You piqued my interest in the Mooncup with your first post, before you actually tried it.
I've been worried about the chemicals used in tampons & this sure seems like a practical solution.
You definately answered any questions I might have, thanks for providing details I'd be afraid to ask.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005 8:35:00 PM - Le laquet said...
- Wow! I too am tempted - and can also relate to the precautionary knickers thing! I might have to give it a go!
Thursday, December 08, 2005 6:53:00 AM - DaFFy said...
- WOw> What a review! I've never heard of them. Maybe I move in the wrong circles, or maybe we don't have them over here? However, I feel after your review I must investigate futher!
Thursday, December 08, 2005 11:26:00 AM - Pookie65 said...
- And all I wanted to do was come by and wish my friend Doris and her family a warm and lovely holiday season....
Happy Holidays to you and yours filled with love, joy, peace, laughter that you so richly deserve!
I leave a very educated man.
Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:02:00 PM - doris said...
- Pookie Oh Pookie.... enlightenment is wonderful. Remember that and keep saying it to yourself! :-) Lovely to hear from you (and Daffy and Z) who have all been too busy elsewhere to blog of late. Nice to hear from you and I'm sure I shall be whizzing over sometime with my Christmas cheer! Thank you for your warmest of wishes.
Daffy You've been to busy with your new house no doubt.. I'll be over soon. I think there is now a Aussie brand of these things but in any case these can be posted internationally. If you felt inclined you would not look back.
Le Lacquet Another for the precautionary nix club!!!!
Jane Glad your interest has been piqued :-) (((Hugs)))
Thursday, December 08, 2005 12:54:00 PM - Karen said...
- I have never even heard of a mooncup - you know I think I'm going to give it a go - Thanks Doris.
Thursday, December 08, 2005 3:19:00 PM - Sarah said...
- Well, you asked for feedback and here it is. My mooncup arrived on wednesday, 3 days after my period on sunday, so i got stuck in and gave it a go. The first hour was pretty uncomfortable as I'd not trimmed the stem at all. After that I had to go out, and decided to try later rather than risk soreness (or abject fear of leakage) during my sign language lesson. I tried it again in the evening, and managed to pluck up the courage to cut the stem first in half, and then, almost on impulse, completely off. This did make the mooncup a Lot more comfortable! A couple of hours later I had a go at getting it out, which was difficult at first but I'm getting the hang of it. I am a convert, although I'm still at the stage of wearing liners as well in case of leakage (which has happened once or twice). I think this was in one case due to bad positioning, and in the other residual fluid which made it's way down while I was taking a shower. I decided to give myself a break from the mooncup during the shower, so this is quite likely.
Right, I think that's enough detail from me! I don't think I've ever been in such intimate contact with myself on such a regular basis! It is quite nice being so "in touch" though. And I do feel free. Indeed, I was dancing around my room yesterday with Very Little On yesterday getting ready to go out, singing "Freee, freee!"
Friday, December 09, 2005 2:38:00 PM - Sarah said...
- It was one of my less restrained moments...
Friday, December 09, 2005 2:40:00 PM - doris said...
- Oh Sarah - I am grinning like mad and so happy for you :-)
"Indeed, I was dancing around my room yesterday with Very Little On yesterday getting ready to go out, singing "Freee, freee!""
I just shared this with my hubby who immediately requested photographic evidence! Cheeky so and so.
As for the shower thing... I kept mine in and delighted in getting dry knowing that I wouldn't get any of that flow on the towel. (I tell you, sometimes I am impressed with the bloodbath I can create on the floor!!!) There, now I have given some really icky info.
Best of all I think is your getting in touch with yourself - literally. It sounds like you have done well too and are likely to become quite proficient.
We are freeeeeeeeee :-)
PS. Are you going to blog it?
Friday, December 09, 2005 2:57:00 PM - Steve said...
- Well you learn something new every day.Not being a bloke who cringes or runs away when womens things are discussed, I found it very interesting.You do have a way of describing things in the greatest detail without being too graphic.
Now can everyone stop talking about boiling penis's please
Friday, December 09, 2005 3:58:00 PM - Thumper said...
- Not quite the topic I was expecting with my breakfast ;) I am glad, however, that I will never have to even think about trying one of these...they may be wonderful but it gives me the skeeves! :)
Here via Michele's today!
Friday, December 09, 2005 4:20:00 PM - Sarah said...
- Hee hee. I don't think I will blog, directly, but I will put up a post with a link in it to the mooncup site. Then people will ask me questions, no doubt! I might blog if lots of people ask me questions.
Friday, December 09, 2005 5:21:00 PM - Sarah said...
- And I think I shall also put a permanent link to you, because I enjoy reading your blog. *nod*
Friday, December 09, 2005 5:22:00 PM - Sarah said...
- Is it just me (and my friends) or is the mooncup site down? What have we done? Did we generate that much traffic?
Saturday, December 10, 2005 2:58:00 AM - doris said...
- Looks like the Moncup site is down at the moment - or else you broke it!
And ahem, Sarah.... I may have thought you were a different Sarah so once I have sorted out my confusion and checked I didn't put my foot in it anywhere I'll be a little less confused :-)
Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:26:00 AM - doris said...
- Karen Ooo, another person corrupted ;-)
Steve I'm tempted to make up a facetious recipe for Boiled Penis Stew but I just ain't creative enough. So I won't mention it anyore ;-) (Apart from that once!)
Saturday, December 10, 2005 11:29:00 AM - Z said...
- Yeah that was so detailed, I had to clench a few times. ;)
Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:48:00 PM - Max said...
- Aaargh! ->
Sunday, December 18, 2005 8:26:00 PM
Use the sexy purr to get mr. doris to bring you some medicine and a proper tea setting in your pretty new hall ....just kidding. Nice to hear your holiday went well, here's hoping you feel better soon.
Friday, December 30, 2005 4:56:00 PM
season's greetings.
get well soon ;)
Friday, December 30, 2005 4:57:00 PM
Im sorry your family was sick over the holidays. That's never fun : (
Get well soon!
I am so sick of remodeling and building. I can't wait until its done and I can sit back and enjoy my home again. Happy New Year Doris!
Friday, December 30, 2005 5:08:00 PM
Welcome back to the land of the living!
Fishcakes (My swear word du jour)
I just 'only nearly' tagged you for a meme, because I thought you were still incommunicado.
Please play anyway!
And finish getting well, soon.
Friday, December 30, 2005 11:57:00 PM
hope you feel better. my house is not vicorian, but I want it to convey that mood. floral walls and all.
Saturday, December 31, 2005 3:04:00 AM
Love the thought of you getting anal behind the radiator! I went paper free in my 1920's home, but do own a special mini roller/paint brush device for doing it behind the radiator!
I do read you far more than I ever comment. (I like to watch! Probably something to do with the photography!)
Keep up the great writing and have a smashing 2006. Ghone.
Sunday, January 01, 2006 11:22:00 AM
I just wanted to post to say May 2006 be all that you would wish it to be, I am posting this post on all the blogs I read regularly ( for regularly read obsessively) because I don’t leave comments half as often as I should, but I want to say thanks to all the bloggers that have allowed me to observe part of their life without phoning the police about a stalker, keep on blogging!
Sunday, January 01, 2006 1:53:00 PM
Happy New Year!
from star
Sunday, January 01, 2006 2:05:00 PM
Happy New Year, and I don't suppose you fancy coming round and doing the same to our hall too, do you? :).
Hope you're feeling better - we've had the same lurgy :/.
Sunday, January 01, 2006 2:10:00 PM
Happy New Year Doris!
Hey - how about a sound file of your new sexy/gravelly voice then ;-)
Sunday, January 01, 2006 4:13:00 PM
Happy New Year!
I hope the lurgy goes away soon. I am most impressed that you can work while you're still not feeling well. That's real dedication!
Sunday, January 01, 2006 5:54:00 PM
Happy New Year Gran. Sorry to hear about the throat. Perhaps it's a wart on your larynx. All the best singers have them.
When I'm feeling energetic I try to paper behind radiators without removing them but the paper always lifts. I've got some radiators that are just going to have to come off this year.
I think I'll wait until the weather gets warmer.
Monday, January 02, 2006 1:38:00 PM
Happy New Year! I hope it's a good one for you. :-)
Monday, January 02, 2006 3:41:00 PM
Golly, I hope you're feeling better. My kids have drippy eyes. I refuse to admit it's pink-eye, because that sounds so plague-like. Besides, they only got it because of all of the holiday visitors. Somebody brought the plague upon MY house!
Nothing a week's worth of isolation won't cure. When I wake up with crusty lashes, I'm adding a footnote in my thank you cards, "Thank you for the potpourri...and also the wonderful pink-eye. Let's do it again next Christmas. XOX."
Uh-oh. I'm venting on your blog. I hope you don't mind. The pink-eye people know my blog site.
I'm just like you with the attention to details. Tom hates this about me. I insist on vacuuming under everything...dusting, Can't be a single toy left under the bed. That would be like a pea under the mattress for me. I honestly think it would make me go mad to know a dirt stain was hidden by a couch.
Why do we do this?
I'd love to stop by for tea some day. Sounds lovely.
Happy 2006!!!
Monday, January 02, 2006 6:44:00 PM
What's wrong with having tea in the hall? Though I am not a fan of hoovering biscuit crumbs off the staircase.
Happy New Year!
Monday, January 02, 2006 9:55:00 PM
Happy (and healthy) New Year to you, doris. Thanks for all the fascinating posts...and for visiting ME from time to time!
Tea in the hall sounds great, though I prefer a cup...boom boom...
Tuesday, January 03, 2006 12:03:00 PM
Hope you're all recovered now. I've never dared to try wall paper, can't see straight
Wednesday, January 04, 2006 9:11:00 AM
I have to admit I detest wallpapering. Painting is so much easier. And yes I do it behind the radiator too.
happy 2006 to you and yours.
Sunday, January 15, 2006 6:49:00 PM