Monday, 20 January 2014

New day, new week

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New  day,     new  week.
Every moment is a chance to start afresh.

Every moment is a chance to discover something new.

Every moment is a chance to count one's blessings.

Every moment is a chance to smile and love. 

That moment is here and now.



Anji said...

Too true. I've made up my mind to have a good week this week. So far, so good. I've had so many sales I've only just about managed to do all of my other jobs - nice way to be held up!

Doris said...

Coo that's good Anji and to be celebrated. Thank you for sharing and spreading the cheer :-)

It is amazing what materialises when one tries to put a positive slant on life.

rashbre said...

My little mantra is 'fun going forward'