Thursday, 16 May 2013

Feel the knead, the need for knead

Three a m beckons and I awake. Never mind I am wrecked from a night of over indulgence from a friend's birthday after a very busy day, and a previous night of over indulgence from an impromptu celebration of some good news regarding daughter's job, and with a mega busy day ahead. I awake and I think "bread". Like an addiction. My daughter was teasing me, "I bet you dream at night of making bread" laughing at the absurdity and when she looked me in the eye realised she had hit the nail on the head and was shocked. There is talk of me joining a Bakers Anonymous, or starting one up.

All that laughing about didn't stop five of us tucking into the assorted loaves I had made that day including .... ta-dah ....

.... my first delicious sourdough loaf. (I have made a few other sourdough loaves but this is the first I consider to be delicious.) I almost faithfully used the recipe from my new favourite bread guru Boomtown Rap except I left out the overnight retardation on account of wanting to excessively show off to a visitor; and tried to fast cool on a windowsill so it was still just a smidgen warm when cut into. I made everyone be quiet to hear the knife crunching through the crusty loaf, not just the once but again and again. Oh dear, I clearly need help! That loaf above contains just flour (white, rye and wholemeal), water and salt. That is it. Alchemy made the yeast and I made it all happen.

Just past 4.30am and I am waiting for the two wholemeal loaves to prove for the first time and am about to go shape and put them in their tins for the second rise. Then bake and then hopefully back to bed and sleep a bit as I have an intensive day ahead. Thankfully not starting until 11am then going through to 8pm.


Anji said...

Yes, I think we can safely say you're hooked.Your sourdough loaf looks magnificent.

Kneading bread must be good exercise for the arms too, I presume.

Doris said...

Yes, I am officially hooked and sad. I went to a girlie night-in last night and regaled the others with the wonders of breadmaking. It was when I went on to the virtues of Baking/Parchment paper vs greaseproof I could hear myself and wondered as the words kept spewing out my mouth how I could turn this into a funny anecdote. Luckily, something did crop up and I managed to let the conversation be diverted. I hope I am still on the invite list .... but then I am to bring bread and pineapple upside down cake and rhubarb crumble cake to our next do...

Kneading is good exercise however once you get all nerdy about the subject there crops up other ways of handling the dough which mean less physical exercise which I miss, but produces really interesting bread. A conundrum that one!