Monday 20 December 2010


Something has switched in me and I am willingly up early. Wanting to crack on and get sorting of piles of stuff in between a busy work schedule this week. Will be good to see how much better the intentions pan out in reality. I am intent on being optimistic!


Anji said...

I'm the opposite today. I think of what needs doing and I wilt. I have bought the turkey this morning though!

Anji said...

Doris, I forgot that I probably found you on BlogExplosion. For 6 months now I've been helping to run another blog exchange:

We set it up because we were disgusted with the way BlogExplosion had been left by its owners

Sorry to be spammy

Doris said...

Congrats on the turkey purchase!

Thanks for mentioning the surfing thing - I hadn't realised you were involved in the running of it. Go you! Anyway, I have joined and am currently listening to a meditation download found as a result :-)

Anji said...

We try to do our best. I'm glad you've found something you like so quickly.