Saturday, 10 March 2007

Note to self

  1. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  2. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  3. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  4. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  5. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  6. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  7. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  8. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  9. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

  10. Our lives may be made of rich tapestries but there is no need to show all my raw edges.

Original Comments:

Chandira said...

Hey!! Been missing your edges, raw or not..

Good to see a post from you. (My stats counter never lies.) :-)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 12:01:00 AM

Doris said...

Awwww :-D

But that visit must have been someone else has I haven't started to venture out yet. At some point I'm looking forward to catching up and haven't told anyone that I'm back yet. That's if you don't count the post I just made!

Hugs :-)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:16:00 AM

Pookie65 said...

It's so good to see you online again, Doris. When such a special, classy lady leavces the blog world it's felt.

I hope all is well and that 2007 is finding you surrounded with love & joy.

Friday, March 16, 2007 11:40:00 PM

Doris said...

You are such a sweetie Pookie! Everyone should have Pookie in their life :-)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:53:00 AM

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